The Real Keepers

via Words4jp’sblog.

“We believe we hold their lives in our hands,
may the truth be told…
It is they who hold our souls in their paws.”

Dog Paw and human foot
Big Pee and Little Pee

To read more of Kimberly’s poetry please check out her blog: Words4jp’sblog


3 responses to “The Real Keepers”

  1. Last night – before bed – I went on my WP app on my iPad and your post popped up – I was so touched. It just so happens that the owner of the foot was sitting next to me – and the paw, of course – Peyton was so moved by it.

    Thank you so much for the reblog and the amazing surprise and for bringing such a warm and loving smile to our faces and hearts.


    1. It shouldn’t have been a surprise 🙂 I told you I would post it “today” (i.e. Sunday). I don’t know where WordPress time clock comes from… their days and hours are completely different than mine so things never post when I expect them too. This did post about 6 hours early. Glad you got to see it right away! And, thank you for being a Sunday Caller! Keep inspiring!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love it!!!!!!!!! Thank you;) and I speak for the two Pee’s, as well xxx


So, any thoughts?