Magical Madighan’s Medical Update

parade princess

I first told you about Maddie in February. She is not my blood, but she is family. Three months have passed since we learned that our Magical Madighan had cancer. She went through surgery like a champ and even got to be a parade princess. Now, however, we have learned she has not one but two cancers.

Here is the link to their gofundme page. Even if it is only $2 you will be making a difference. I know it looks like they’ve made it almost halfway to goal, but that was what they needed for the first surgery, now there will likely be more surgeries and treatments needing funded for Maddie’s future.  Thank you.  Memee.

Bloods Tests & Skin Tests confirmed that Maddie has 2 types of cancers folliculotropic a Very rare form of cancer. And Advanced gonadoblastoma

We don’t know what the future holds, but we know that with all of your generous contributions, more possibilities will be open to him. One thing some patients face, if the disease progresses far enough, is a stem cell transplant, which can run costs into the 6 figures. Knowing this could be a possibility in her future, It has been suggested that Gavin & I become pregnant again. She would have familial blood/stem cells which would hopefully give us a close match.

For stem cell transplants, there has to be an HLA match of 3 out of 6. ( Human leukocyte antigen)I am in the process of becoming healthier so that we can improve our chances of becoming pregnant. We are hoping for mid – late summer.  When we first learned of her possible cancer diagnosis and we started researching stem cells and what was involved, we found that stem cells from Cord Blood typically don’t mature fast enough to be of significant benefit, (Other than rebooting the system much like a computer) however, the Cord Blood and medical research has come a long way, even since her diagnosis, so our hope is that should she need a stem cell transplant, medical technology will have advance enough to mature those stem cells in the cord blood to be able to use for an end all cure.

The down note is if a cure can not be found she will have a life expectancy to age 25 without compilations. With compilations… day by day.

Plus the added bonus of discussing (and having in place) funeral arrangements.On another note, I also spent some time late last night sending thank you notes to each of the donors. If you donated before yesterday and haven’t gotten a thank you note from me, please know how much we appreciate your donation, so THANK YOU! For those of you that have donated since yesterday, I have’t had a chance to sit and send all those thank you notes yet, so please be patient with me while I continue to run my business and household.



One response to “Magical Madighan’s Medical Update”

  1. Wishing Maddie love and blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

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