I love it when I see people linking up to my linky parties!

So you like the idea of my poetry party but think it is probably beyond your scope of ability to actually participate. The truth is, in fact, that it is remarkable easy to add a link, but extremely time consuming to put a linky party together and spread the word around, which is why I feel thankful for every single link brought to my punchbowl each month.  I get an email telling me when a new link has been added and I feel a burst of excitement and an energetic surge of satisfaction knowing that I am helping them to find new, inspiring blogging friends, increased traffic and, I hope, it generates an excitement in them as well.

You see, I find there are a ton of people writing poetry on the Internet but no real spot where they can come together and meet, share and inspire one another. And that is the hole I have been trying to fill ever since.  Please take a look at this wonderful infographic made my Rhondaa over at Oombawka Design. It shows you all there is too linking up: You add the link to your post, you supply your email address, and you choose your thumbnail. It’s that simple! 

How to Join an Inlinkz link-up party | Memee's Musings So link-up with us now for a slice of Vengeance!

12 thoughts

    1. Oh, I spread the love around. I probably spend about 40 hours each month working on this little project. It is extremely time consuming, takes lots of time away from my own writing. I will eventually get the secret to success figured out, if I can just keep at it.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. 40 hours of labourious love~ Is there any way I could help spread the love too?
    I am still pondering about the secret to success for gaining readers and interaction too, so don’t give up and keep doing what you do best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.

      Post your participation badge somewhere on your site. When you get your trophy badges, post them on your site, write an acceptance speech post, etc.

      During the submission window encourage others to join when responding to their comments or if you are on someone else’s site and they do poetry, encourage them to check it out.

      Link your poetry submissions to appropriate link-ups so others might find it and continue over to our party. tweet about it. Write a post encouraging others to vote for you. Anything you can think of.

      Usually the issue seems to be, like this month and last month, people don’t mark the dates on their publishing calendars and so I get emails is it too late to submit? Yes, I’m sorry, but it is. (It’s a programming thing).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve linked back the post to poetry party and putting up the badge on my sidebar. Btw the badge is really pretty, nice creation!

        At the same time, I shall help to promote if I visit a fellow poetry blogger 😉


  2. Basically, I think, the more people see and hear about it, the better it will get! Thus the badge. It’s new. I made it earlier in the month and passed it out to everyone who has participated in the past and will continue to utilize it. I tried to make it as exciting as possible, hoping someone might participate just for the badge! LOL!


So, any thoughts?