via Daily (w)rite
Author: Damyanti Biswas

Ray Bradbury via Daily write

Daily (w)rite is a 6-year old blog now, a fair number of turns of the hourglass. Write Every Day was my motto when I started it, but over the years I find I like listening more than talking on this blog.

From time to time, I’ve asked my audience for their opinions and advice on blogging related topics. The community has been generous in providing responses. I’m posting the links below for those new to my blog, or to blogging in general, who write to me asking for blogging tips.

When did You start Your Blogging Journey?

If you could give just One #blogging tip, what would it be?

Writers, do you Blog? Here’s the Ninja way to do it!

How Do You Make #Blogging Friends?

Do You Reply to Each Comment on Your Blog?

Dear #Bloggers, Do You Accept #Blog Awards?

Do You #Blog from Your Phone?

Do You Give Comment Love?

Blogs I’ll NEVER Visit Again

What do you do when you step into a Dead #Blog?

Sharing your personal life on your blog

Do you drop your blog links in your comments?

I’m not very good at giving advice, so I’ll let my readers do it for me: scroll down the comments in each of the above posts to find out stuff I wish I knew when I started blogging.

The above posts aren’t by any means meant to be the last word on blogging, but I’m putting them together because there’s a lot of cumulative wisdom in the comments. I’ll keep updating the list as I ask more questions and find more answers. If you have a blogging question you’d like to ask of my audience, post them in the comments, and I’ll put them up for you.

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Minions, please remember this is a Calling Card post. Being a relative newbie myself, I don’t have the answers, but you are welcome and encouraged to take Ms. Damyanti’s offer. Please do so by posting your questions at her blog which is listed at the top of this post above the Ray Bradbury quote. Thank you!  — Memee

So, any thoughts?