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Share Your World is the blogging event for bloggers who love to answer random questions. Every Monday 3 random questions are posed, an interesting prompt is proffered, as well as the opportunity to share something you are feeling grateful for.

CEE:  What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “fun”?

MEMEE: Giggling, laughing, tickling, playing, sharing… it is all part of Falling in Love. And it is wonderful, delightful, fun.

CEE: What is your favorite time of day?

MEMEE: Assuming day refers to the greater 24-hour period, my favorite is 2:00 A.M. The world has gone to sleep leaving behind silence and peace. I feel connected to the universe and to my own spirit. It is the time of day when I feel the most complete.

Make time for the quiet moments, as God whispers and the world is loud. — Author Unknown

CEE: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want have a evening with?

MEMEE: I miss my son a lot right now because I moved 2 states away 5 weeks ago. We’re very close and this is our first real separation. It is good for us because it will allow us both to grow more independent, but it is very, very difficult.

CEE: Complete this sentence: Something that anyone can do that will guarantee my smile is…be gentle, kind, considerate, and compassionate for the person standing next to you. It is a beautiful thing to witness and even more glorious to be a part of. 

CEE: Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

MEMEE: With each new month comes opportunity. I am grateful that last week was the beginning of a new month and am looking forward to passing through the doors of opportunity that have been presenting themselves to me.

The photograph was taken by Bradley Pisney and acquired through Unsplash licensing.
© MemeesMusings/B.L. Memee, 2015. All rights reserved.

One thought

  1. 2 a.m. I feel you! 🙂 I’m a night owl. I was surely a cat in my previous life. Great post! I love Q.and A.’s the geek in me likes immediate responses and thought provoking questions. ha!


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