#MeetandGreet introductionsI joined my first meet and greet over at Dream Big, Dream Often who had reblogged from Lessons from my Daughter. There were only 4 simple rules, and I am not one for rules, the less the better and I modify when I must. In this case, I modified only the “reblog” by creating my own post and pinging the originators, otherwise I stuck to the rules… this time.

The Rules

I am not big on rules but here is how I see this going.

1. Like this posting.

2. In the comments, introduce yourself, put a link to your blog (if you have one) and put a link to a blog you enjoy reading.

3. Reblog this post so more people can see it and share their blogs.

4. Come back and discover new blogs.

I promise to visit every link posted in the comments or pingbacks and I will read your posts, like or comment and, hopefully, find many great blogs to follow!

My introduction read as follows:

“My name is BriannaLouise Memee and my blog is Memee’s Musings. I can be found on WordPress, Facebook, Tumblr, Blogher, Pinterest and Twitter. Last year was full of tragedy and life changes… it’s a familiar story: Blogging helped me to become whole again.

“My tagline remains as true today as it did when I began: “Thoughts about life, death and the world around me.” Memee’s Musings is not a blog that rotates around my personal pain although you can find it weaved within.

I host a once monthly linky party for poets, #memeespoetryparties. I advocate for domestic animals on Saturdays, post my favorite quotes on Wednesdays, share gratitude on Thursdays and feature guest bloggers on Sundays. While on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays you can find postings about anything from what his happening in the world around me to mental health to random thoughts to poetry and flash fiction.

“Although you won’t find any parenting advice, book reviews or recipes on my blog (unless they are proffered by guest bloggers) I view my blog as a smorgasbord of delights which I hope you will enjoy as much as I do!

“I am amazed by Allison’s poetry found at: People, Things and Life.

“I am inspired by Chris at: Surviving the Spector.

“I find community through Ember’s life shares on Brighton Bipolar.

“And AuthorSBMazing challenges my imagination, inspiration and writing growth with her Finish It! events on her blog: Author S B Mazing.

“I hope you’ll love what you find on my blog and value what you find on the blogs I am suggesting!”

It’s your turn, just do it!

☀ Memee

3 thoughts

  1. Hi! My name is Rachel, my blog is: startwithsparkles.wordpress I am also on twitter: singrah02. I started writing to find healing on a weekly basis and provide my mind with a place to share thoughts and reflect upon life. A blog I really enjoy is a new find for me. It is: http://belovelive.com/why-i-am-not-afraid-of-the-dark/ Go check out her work. 🙂 I’m excited to read other blogs and have conversations! Happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Rachel. Welcome to my first ever meet and greet! (Said with the enthusiasm reflected on Blogger Bob’s face)

    I just stopped by your blog, saw your beautiful smiling face, read a few posts and even left you a comment. Thank you for reblogging, I hope others will introduce themselves to you!

    Now I am off to visit Be Love Live, thank you for the suggestion!

    ☀ Memee


So, any thoughts?