The linky party that challenges poets on a new theme every month has begun for October. You can always find your way to the current party at the link provided in my menus entitled — What else? — current party (if you are viewing the menus at the top of my blog it’ll show itself by hovering your cursor over Memee’s Poetry Parties, which by the way has all of the answers for all of the questions ever asked about my linky party, shows a listing of all the rules, a listing of all the past parties, and features the participation badge you earn just by submitting your poem!

Have you participated in the past? Will this be your first submission?  Here’s your badge:

Get Your Badge!

Thank you for partying with Memee! Invite your followers to enjoy the fun by displaying this participation badge on your site. Place it anywhere, a sidebar, your About page, or the posts challenging others to join you. Make it visible!

*You’ve earned it, wear it well! Please resize and use it in whatever means suits your needs. It’s about pride, recognition, expanding the challenge and supporting all the participants by getting new eyes on their poetry by sharing the linkup with everyone who follows you.

So, any thoughts?